
Spring Break

I have a feeling that I won't be having the best spring break possible this year.  Instead of being home and moving into my new house, I'm stuck in Tampa, really cool.. :(

It all started off with a broken phone and waiting for an hour in the Sprint store, and creepy cab drivers saying "I've been waiting all day for you baby...do we have a date?" No, we do not. How will I spend my break? Oh, you know...just going to doctors appointments, doing homework (of course I get assigned a lot over break, should have known), and attempting to find food because EVERYTHING minus the cafeteria is closed for the entire break. It should be really interesting....slash horrible!

Honestly I just want this break to go by as fast as possible. On the bright side, 2 months and 2 days until it's HOME for the summer!!! I miss my island home.

Buccaneer Resort, St. Croix, USVI

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