
The First Week

I left the U.S. Virgin Islands on August 14th and headed to Florida. Already I'm realizing how much my life is about to change - hopefully for the better! But there have been some things that still will take some adjusting to. Certain things are completely different here in the states! Here are just a few examples:

1. Driving on the right-hand side of the road.
Well, we drive on the left back home (St. Croix), so every time my dad gets onto a street here, I think "you're on the wrong side of the road!" It can get very confusing, which is why I won't be driving in Florida for a while.

2. Sales tax.
If a pair of shoes was priced at $19.99, I would be able to pay for them with a $20 bill and be gone. But in the states, that's not the case! That might be one of the hardest things that I'll have to get used to. Not so much because its a few extra dollars, but because it would make me question things - like "wait a minute, I thought that was only $5.00 - not $5.35? Ohhh yeah, tax." It's alright though, I'll figure it out sooner or later!

3. The cost of food.
Now this might seem like an insignificant topic, but I promise it isn't. I never really realized how expensive food was back home compared to here! (Example: Yoplait Whips! yogurt is $0.58 in Wal-Mart, but $1.19 where I'm from). This could be the start of the well-known *Freshman 15*, so it's a good thing that UT has a gym!

Those are just some major differences that come to me instantly. Overall, I'm extremely ready for change, and a chance at a new life in Tampa! Are you ready to make these years the best of our lives?