
Back in Florida!

   I just want to give a quick update since it's been a while, but there's not much to discuss since it's the middle of winter break.
   Sunday meant it was sadly time to say goodbye to Indiana and my love - but I had to. I returned to Florida, which is surprisingly...cold! The past 2 nights it was actually dipped below 30 in Arcadia for several hours, which means that I woke up to frosted cow pastures! It was almost like looking at snow, so of course I thought it was really cool. 
   Last night, a calf was born in the freezing temperatures. That poor thing.. :( My grandma decided to name him Tough because that's what he had to be in order to survive the night, which he did! We went and visited the calves this morning where I learned that they love tangerines and oranges. Whoooo would have thought? They absolutely love them. Sooooo here are some more cow pictures! :)

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