
Gasparilla Weekend

As we all know, tomorrow is the *big event* = Gasparilla! Sadly, I won't be attending due to the massive amounts of homework I was assigned this weekend. Thanks teachers! But that's okay, there's always next year and pictures to live through (it would probably be too chaotic for me anyway..) Most people will be dressed up in their free t-shirts that they received from Pirate Fest downstairs of Stadium this afternoon, adorned with pirate ships, skull and crossbones, and "Gasparilla '10", but a lot of people will be dressed up as pirates, or simply wearing red/white/black. 

I really hope that everyone enjoys the parade, but I don't want to hear about anyone I know getting arrested for whatever reason. Stay and be safe! 



This week has just started, and is already extremely chaotic! Today alone, I've spent 8 solid hours doing homework due for the next two days, and last night I spent 6 hours alone reading. OVERLOADED! However, I will see it as a learning experience :) Because I arranged my schedule to have no classes on Friday, I realize that I should take advantage of this free day to actually get some work done. I cannot have it build up on me like this or I will crash! And that would not be good for anyone, especially me! But I can finally wipe my brow, because I'm DONE for the week! Why is that?

Ohhh, well it's because I now have a 4-day weekend rather than my usual 3-day weekends. President Barack Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden will be at the university Thursday afternoon to hold a town hall meeting, which is open to the public. I know that some people are excited, others not so much, but think of it this way--if you are excited, then attend! if you're not particularly thrilled, then enjoy a day free of classes! Either way you put it, it's a win-win situation :)


FRIDAY yayyy!

I'll just start by saying that one of my classes is going to be absolutely dreadful. I have never enjoyed English, and I've just been reminded of why.. But I'm not going to go into detail. My second hardest class will be College Algebra, call me a sucker, but I also have a major love/hate relationship with math. The rest of my classes will be just fine though :) I'm looking forward to Global Issues, Gateways (who isn't?), and Criminal Justice. They should be fun.

It's been really dark all week. Not so much cold or even rainy, just windy and dark, which I LOVEEEE! People always ask me why I came to *sunny Florida* if I love dark and stormy weather...but they'll understand come summertime when it's super stormy each afternoon ;)

I no longer have classes on Friday, which is ABSOLUTELY a dream come true. The main reason I didn't want classes on Friday is because I wouldn't get any sleep Thursday night because everyone wants to go out and party, except for myself, and then I would get awoken. I have a hard time falling asleep if I'm awoken in the middle of the night, so I changed things around to better suite the floor's schedule. Tonight I'll see if it was worth while (even though I already know it was), because everyone is going to The Kennedy to see this Situation guy or whatever...I don't care about that at all!

My buddy Tyler drove his car down from Connecticut, so now I have a ride and company to go to the zoo! I know that he's excited to take me, RIGHT Tyler? He probably won't read this, but that's alright, I know the zoo will be fun regardless :)

HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND EVERYONE! And stay safe please!

The sky currently..


Welcome back!

Ahh, break is FINALLY over! It has been really amazing for me, but honestly I was ready a while ago to come back and start classes (yeah I know, I'm a nerd.) Classes start tomorrow, beginning with one of my busiest days.   Last semester, I didn't take any math or english, so this semester I have to take those basic freshman classes. The only class I'm taking this semester out of choice is my Criminal Justice class, and the topic of global climate change for Global Issues. But it's alright...next year I'll have a little more freedom :)

I haven't published my schedule yet, so here it is:

Spring 2010 (click picture for full schedule)

I hope everyone is happy with their schedule for this semester and that things aren't too crazy. And if you think your schedule is wicked, don't worry. It'll probably feel weird for the first few weeks, but then you'll slip into it and things will be much easier :) Have fun!


Back in Florida!

   I just want to give a quick update since it's been a while, but there's not much to discuss since it's the middle of winter break.
   Sunday meant it was sadly time to say goodbye to Indiana and my love - but I had to. I returned to Florida, which is surprisingly...cold! The past 2 nights it was actually dipped below 30 in Arcadia for several hours, which means that I woke up to frosted cow pastures! It was almost like looking at snow, so of course I thought it was really cool. 
   Last night, a calf was born in the freezing temperatures. That poor thing.. :( My grandma decided to name him Tough because that's what he had to be in order to survive the night, which he did! We went and visited the calves this morning where I learned that they love tangerines and oranges. Whoooo would have thought? They absolutely love them. Sooooo here are some more cow pictures! :)