
Finals - Day 2

Well, to complete finals day 1, I didn't end up taking the environmental exam because it was optional. If you took it and did better than your lowest previous exam grade, it replaced it. I was happy with my grade, so took the time to study for my psych final that I had this morning.

Rise and shine early again, 7:15 this time instead of the 7:45 that my alarm clock was set for. Guess my body just thought I should be up half an hour earlier. It's alright because by 8:30 I was fully prepared for my exam, so I went back to sleep! Got up at 9:45 feeling rested and ready for my test :). It went alright, I'm happy with my grade in the class so it's not that big of an issue to me.

Tomorrow, 0 exams on the schedule! Feels nice to take a break :) Happy studying!

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