
Ding Ding - Grades are in!

I'm one of those people that worry like crazy over my grades because I actually have to work for them. I wish I was one of those people that just zoomed through classes with consistent As after no trying, but I'm not. There's been a few classes this semester that were especially difficult for me, so things got quite stressful at times. In the end, I pulled out a 3.23. Considering how hard I worked and how difficult my classes were, I'm pretty happy with my current GPA :) All I really have to worry about is keeping it above a 2.8 to keep my scholarship (that's something I need to do because I couldn't afford going to UT if I didn't get a scholarship from them). 

Next semester, my classes overall don't seem like they'll be that difficult. I'll be taking the regular freshman-type classes that I didn't have an opportunity to take for the Fall 2009 semester: MAT 160, ENG 101, GTW 102, GIS 101, and CRM 102 (17 credit hours total, 1 more than my previous semester). 

I came into UT as a psychology major, but that's going to change soon. I was always interested in psychology, but only a very small portion of it. But I've always been interested in criminology and forensics as a whole. So I've decided that I will change my major to Criminology :)

I hope that everyone is enjoying their winter break!


My first snow!

I love it :) so here are some pictures!


Finals - The last day!

Yesterday was very hectic for me. I got to sleep in thanks to a day free of finals, but then did some studying for my exam (which is in like 2 hours), and ended up taking a car ride to and from Daytona with my suitemates. We took a pit-stop in Orlando for some much needed shopping in the outlets, and made it home safely :)

On the agenda today is to take my Criminology final, start packing, print my boarding pass (yay!), check the mailroom one last time, and return allergy medicine to Walgreens. Seriously, I almost opened the allergy medicine too, but I was like "wait, let me check," and YUP just my luck...it had expired in October. Alright, I have a question... WHY is the US allowed to keep expired medication on the shelves?! Back home, a store would get fined each day past the expiration date if expired medication was found. It just doesn't make senseeeeee. Oh well, guess that means I should pay more attention to the expiration dates now.

Tomorrow, I'm off to Indiana for my very first snow experience, and I couldn't be more excited!         

Seasons Greeting, and Happy Holidays everyone!


Finals - Day 2

Well, to complete finals day 1, I didn't end up taking the environmental exam because it was optional. If you took it and did better than your lowest previous exam grade, it replaced it. I was happy with my grade, so took the time to study for my psych final that I had this morning.

Rise and shine early again, 7:15 this time instead of the 7:45 that my alarm clock was set for. Guess my body just thought I should be up half an hour earlier. It's alright because by 8:30 I was fully prepared for my exam, so I went back to sleep! Got up at 9:45 feeling rested and ready for my test :). It went alright, I'm happy with my grade in the class so it's not that big of an issue to me.

Tomorrow, 0 exams on the schedule! Feels nice to take a break :) Happy studying!


Finals - Day 1

Monday - Economics, Environmental Science
Tuesday - Psychology
Thursday - Criminology

I know so many people that only have 2 finals, and get to leave really early (like my roommate who leaves TOMORROW!) But I'm actually really jealous. This morning I woke up at 7 to continue studying, but *somehow* ended up on facebook for almost an hour. It's true, my life is a joke. But that's okay because I only have a few days left and then it's off to the land of the cold :) 

I hope that everyone does really well on their finals, especially those who are finding it difficult to study for a particular exam (like my Economics final...no clue what I'm doing, but that's okay right?). I bet no one really has the time to read this right now, and if they do, they should be studying! Just kidding, maybe. 

Good luck!!


Last Week Of Classes

Before I get to the real topic at hand, I have something to say. The past weekend has been kind of strange. But I need to ask one thing: why are UT Security people so calm now? In the beginning of the year, any little thing that someone did incorrectly would get them in trouble. It seems like now, they can get away with anything. Honestly, it's really frustrating.

Anyway! This is the last week of classes before finals begin. I couldn't be happier! For once I don't feel stressed. Hows that for irony? My last homework assignment has been completed, and there is nothing to worry about until finals. Honestly, I normally don't start studying for an exam until a day or two prior to taking it, but I actually started studying today! Aren't you proud? :)

I have 4 finals, sadly, but they're pretty spread out so it's alright. 2 on Monday, 1 on Tuesday, and 1 on Thursday--then I'm off to Indiana for my first white Christmas EVER! I've never seen the snow, so that's one thing that I cannoooottttttt wait for! But enough of that :)

I hope everyone passes their finals with grades that will make them happy! And I'm so excited to be finishing my 1st semester here at UT!