
October 1

     This week has consisted of me dreading Thursday (which I'm so happy is almost over) because it's busy, but it wasn't ALL bad. The weather for the past 2 days has been absolutely wonderful, and yesterday was by far the best day ever! 
  1. The morning started off at a nice, chilly 70-something degrees (and stayed that way)
  2. Most beautiful sunset...ever (sad story behind that, but some people will understand.)
  3. Brick party? Yes, please! ...my brick gives me a headache. 
  4. Animal impersonations--this is what Caitlin and Tyler have to put up with when I'm bored :)
     I had classes today from 10-3 (which really isn't too bad), but I don't like getting out of class in PH 40 minutes early, having to go back to my room for like 20 minutes, to then walk straight back to PH. It gets old very fast, but that's okay :). 
     My day started off with psychology, where I reconfirmed that (based off the NEO Personality Inventory) I'm ridiculously conscientious. Next on the list was criminology, where we learned that "No means no!" It's probably the class I look forward to most of all because I'm genuinely interested in everything we have discussed thus far. 
     The class I look forward to least, though no doubt the easiest so far, is intro to computers. I had to take the word exam today (that I was freaking out over), but it's cool cause I passed and that's all that matters. 
     Tomorrrrrrow is the Global Village Simulation, but I really have no clue what it is. Right now I see it as free food from different countries, and that's about all I know. But free (and hopefully tasty) food is good, so I'm excited :) ...especially since I'm already getting tired of the food on campus (not to mention the moldy bun on my Chick-Fil-A sandwich). Overall, I'm looking forward to this week being over! But then again, who isn't?

Today's words of advice: Take time to put yourself first.

P.S. - I need a photography buddy. The end!


  1. Kim,
    Nice blog! Anytime you want to go shooting, let me know! I am always up for photography! :)
    Glad to hear that you are lovin' UT and FLorida!

  2. hey! i'm thinking of transferring to UT next semester, it sounds like you like it! i'm in hawaii now but it's not the best believe it or not! i think i want to do their nursing program

  3. Haha, I know what you mean about it not being the best. Most people thing where I come from is absolute paradise and ask me why I would ever leave, but they just don't understand! It's better to vacation at tropical places than live there--my opinion! :)

    UT is really great, but I don't know much about their nursing program (I'm studying psychology), but there are a few people I know personally who are in the nursing program & they love it!
