
Shopping List

Everyone knows that moving off to college means that you must spend a few bucks to make your new room feel comfortable - but I guess it never really hit me until that first shopping trip. It truly feels like you're buying a brand new life. You're going to be living here for a while, so the major goal of your room-shopping is to make your room comfortable.

But who really thinks about the little things (tape, pencil sharpener, light bulbs, etc.) that are so essential? Sounds like it could get expensive, too. Probably one of the hardest things about having to buy everything for your room is to not go over your budget. I've found that for basic school supplies, the place to stock up at is Target...NOT Wal-Mart!

So anyway, here are a few lists that I've put together of things to remember when shopping for the space where you'll be spending the next 4 years of your life :)

DON'T FORGET (& can be easily overlooked)
  • medicine/first aid kit - cough drops, prescriptions, aspirin, etc.
  • laundry detergent/fabric softener
  • school supplies - pens, pencils/sharpener, white-out, tape, stapler & staples, paper clips, notebooks, etc.
  • printer paper (if you bring a printer) & ink
  • umbrella (I never remembered to bring an umbrella to school until it was already raining - very unfortunate..)
  • pillows! (I'm bringing a firm & a soft pillow)
  • a plant - it'll be something you can take care of easily, and make the room feel comfy :)
  • mirrors - a full length one would probably be best!
  • comforter w/ contrasting sheets - probably the quickest/easiest way to make a room cheerful
  • shower/room curtains
  • rugs/anything decorative
  • any extra furniture
  • aquariums - remember, fish cannot be stored at the school over breaks
  • over-the-door style hangers (normally for shoes)
  • appliances
I hope that this has helped at least a little! It can get very stressful, but overall I find the shopping to be exciting :) and that's NOT just because I'm a girl!

If there's any other essential stuff that you shouldn't forget (that I did, haha) just write it below in a comment!

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