
Gobble Gobble

How was everyone's Thanksgiving? I hope it went well :) Instead of going back home to St. Croix for the holiday, I went to Arcadia (in Florida) to be with a group of about 30 family members. I loooove going there. There's so much wildlife and you feel so carefree. It's like nothing else matters in the world, when things are that peaceful. Deer, turkey, wild hogs, hawks, buzzards, squirrels, snakes, and pet cows. It was a much needed break, and a good place to go for one. I went there on the 24th and came back the 29th, but it seemed like so much longer than that. 

Anyway, I'll stop going on and on about it, because I could for a long time (but then I'd miss my class, and that wouldn't be good for my record :) Here are some pictures! 


UT Photos

A few more of my photographs around UT's campus. 


Busy busy busy!

     This week, I don't see myself even having a chance to breathe. First off, I've been working like mad on an environmental presentation that I'm presenting with my group tonight. I also have a GIGANTIC psychology test tomorrow, which was supposed to be last Thursday (I'm happy that it got moved, but not happy that I still have to take the test....grr). Have I been studying? Yes. Does it seem like I've accomplished anything? Sadly, no. That's life though.

     On the other hand, I was supposed to be able to start registering for class tomorrow morning. But for some unknown reason, that got changed to Thursday morning. Why is my life so AWESOME? I couldn't tell you...but you should be jealous. 

     Let's make things a little brighter. Guess what great thing happens Friday? My daddy flies in :) It's about time. My dad has always been my rock, and it's certainly rough when everything feels like a mudslide. So for some much needed (nerdy) fun and excitement, he requested that we go to MOSI (Museum of Science and Industry). I went with my brother and grandparents around 10 years ago and thought it was soooooooo cool. Now that I have a better understanding of sciency-type things, it'll probably be even more awesome. I'm excited!

Today's words: Make me happy, and recycle :)



Alright, now it's been a couple of months (roughly 2.5) since I've been in Florida, but still find myself going through small culture shocks. I'll go ahead and list them, just keep in mind that if it sounds dumb, it's really not.

1. Tamarind - I haven't talked to anyone from the states yet that actually knows what this is. But it's actually very popular back home and in the rest of the Caribbean. It's a  tangy brown, pulpy fruit encased in a thin brown shell/pod when ripe (about the size of your finger). It tends to be very stringy and have large seeds, but you can separate the pulp and make what's commonly known as tamarind balls (the pulp rolled into a ball with sugar). Another use for it (what I actually use it for) is in the making of hot sauce. So yummy! Another way to eat it, though not as popular, is to put salt on the flesh when it's still green. 

2. Breadfruit - Not as scary as it sounds, I promise! It's a fibrous-fleshed fruit that has a green skin (about the size of a volleyball). When ripe, some people like to bake or boil it, then butter just like you would a potato. I'm not really fond of it that way, so I found another way to cook it like a potato. Chips! I cut the flesh into triangular pieces (thick if you want it to be soft, thin if you want it crispy), and fry them in really hot vegetable oil for 2 minutes a side. Once out of the oil, they're dusted with Adobo--an essential seasoning in the Caribbean. It's just about the easiest and most delicious thing to make EVER!

3. Paper or plastic? That's not a question back home. I've never been into a store where you had a choice between what kind of bags you can use. It doesn't sound too drastic, but it's just one of those *whoa* moments. The closest thing to anything like that is this one store where there are no bags. Instead, you pile your groceries into boxes left-over from unpacking the items you're buying. I always thought that was a great idea because nothing was going to waste, and then you always have large boxes incase you need to pack things up at home for whatever reason.

4. How big are snowflakes? I have no clue. The last time I asked this question, I just got laughed at. But how else am I supposed to know?! I've never seen the snow. When I think of snow, all that comes to mind are those giant snowflake paper cut-outs that we did in elementary school. By the way, I still never got an answer.

 Today's words: Don't ask, don't say. Everything lies in silence.


November 4

This is going to be a short post, but it's talking about something I'm really passionate about.

     I've always been an art enthusiast, but I don't really like the 'typical' pretty artwork. I prefer things more abstract. Why am I saying this? Painting is the only thing that works as a stress reliever for me. Back home I had plenty time to paint, but never got around to it, I'm not sure why. That's the one thing I feel is missing in my room--my paints. There's this one set of paints that I've been wanting since 8th grade (Chroma A2 Acrylics), and guess what? I finally got them! Soooo...this makes me really happy :) 

Today's words: "Art is the only way to run away without leaving home." - Twyla Tharp